As my bachelor's project I decided to illustrate a wrongfully forgotten classic. Bruno Schulz's The Cinnamon Shops instantly striked me as an intriguing book due to the way Schulz writes. 
If you've loved books since your childhood, you hate it when good books and stories get forgotten. „The Cinnamon Shops“ wasn't even known by my mother's colleagues, who've all sold books forever. That's why it was my matter of concern to breathe new life into this book, because these beautiful almost lyrical stories create pictures with words that deserve to be seen. I hope to bring this world closer to people and renew the interest in classical literature with this project.
Bruno Schulz's „The Cinnamon Shops“ tells the reader about his childhood in a small jewish Shtetl in Galicia through the eyes of phantastical childishness. The result is a poetic-magical snapshot that merges reality and phantasy.
Final look into the book printed
Final look into the book printed
Final look into the book printed
Final look into the book printed
trying to find a style for the whole book
trying to find a style for the whole book
Lining process for the illustrations
Lining process for the illustrations
in the middle of coloring the illustrations
in the middle of coloring the illustrations
digital view of a final page
digital view of a final page
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